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Sell-side Advisory

Corporate divestment decisions are caused by succession planning, change of strategic direction and exit considerations of financial investors. 

Buy-side Advisory

Accelerating business growth, expansion in adjacent technologies and markets, are predominantly driving the desire for product, technology and company acquisitions.​

Our Service​

Our Service​

  • Review of business portfolio/offering

  • Define transaction objectives and criteria

  • Prepare financial analysis and indicative valuation

  • Prepare investor long list and short list

  • Approach potential investors

  • Prepare business plan, teaser, information memorandum, management presentation and process letter

  • Perform pre-deal structuring

  • Solicit, review, assess and negotiate offers of potential investors

  • Prepare, manage and maintain data room

  • Manage due diligence process and Q&A with potential investors

  • Refine valuation and financial models

  • Support negotiation of the legal transaction agreements

  • Develop external growth strategy

  • Definition of acquisition criteria

  • Market mapping, identification and profiling of potential acquisition candiates

  • Approach potential acquisition candidates and initiate initial discussions

  • Evaluate pre-liminary company information 

  • Prepare indicative offer and negotiate term sheet

  • Manage due diligence process and identify value impacting factors and potential deal breakers

  • Refine valuation and financial model based on due diligence findings

  • Support negotiation of the legal transaction aggrements

  • Prepare post-merger integration plan and support integration

Our value

Our value

Based on a trusted and sensible relationship with our clients we support navigating the deal life cycle. We help our clients to deliver exceptional transaction results, taking finanical and non-financial transaction objectives into account

Leveraging our market, technical, commercial and financial expertise we engage with clients to identify and execute transactions with the most promising value creation potential 

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